For immediate release
November 9, 2022, Ottawa – HealthCareCAN and the dedicated healthcare workers in our member institutions working so hard to provide care for people across the country are today urging our nation’s political leaders to put aside politics and work together to address Canada’s healthcare crisis. The impacts of this crisis are being felt acutely by healthcare workers and patients across Canada, and they deserve immediate, collaborative action from political leaders.
“While the outcome of the meeting between Canada’s health ministers is extremely disappointing, our political leaders must recognize that this is not the end of the story,” said Dr. Michael Gardam, Chair of the HealthCareCAN Board of Directors. “Patients, residents and healthcare workers need urgent, strategic action and support to improve access and delivery of healthcare services and to strengthen health research across the country.”
HealthCareCAN supports the call for increases in federal health transfers to provinces and territories to ensure consistent, sustainable funding for healthcare that keeps pace with current needs, increasing costs and higher demand. While important, funding alone will not address the many issues straining our health system—we need fundamental changes and the focus on finances can distract from the hard work that needs to be done.
“Canada’s healthcare system was conceived for a different time and it must evolve to meet the changing needs of those working in the system and of our growing and aging population that depends on it for care,” added Dr. Gardam. “The health system must continue to evolve to be more people-centred, responsive, and support the different ways people want to access care, including at home and virtually.”
HealthCareCAN remains committed to continuing to advance specific and timely solutions to solve the health workforce crisis, secure much-needed enhanced support for Canada’s health research ecosystem and to work with patients, providers, health system and political leaders to ensure Canada’s healthcare system will always be there for those who need it.
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Media Contact: Alexandria Rowe, Communications and member services
855-236-0213/613-241-8005 ext. 221 │ Cell: 613-220-1023
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